Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Blog dan Blogger Dunia

klik di http://www.dailyblogtips.com/ 
Daily Blog Tips  

klik di https://www.quicksprout.com/
Quick Sprout — Make Better Content

klik di http://www.shoemoney.com/
ShoeMoney - Skills to Pay the Bills 

klik di https://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/
Search Results Entrepreneurs-Journey.com - The Blog Of Yaro Starak

klik di http://www.problogger.net/
ProBlogger - Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging - ProBlogger

klik di https://smartblogger.com/
A “Cheat Sheet” For Writing Blog Posts That Go Viral

klik di https://goinswriter.com/
On Writng, Ideas and Make a Difference

Komunitas Online Start Up di Asia

klik di https://id.techinasia.com/

Saturday, November 26, 2016


klik di https://hoedamanis.blogspot.co.id/

Ilmu Psikologi



klik di http://kuss-indarto.blogspot.co.id/search?updated-max=2016-05-31T06:53:00%2B07:00

Mind Mapping Software - Brainstorm Online

klik di https://www.mindmeister.com/

Lean for Business | LeanKit

klik di https://leankit.com/

Your conversion is completed - OnlineVideoConverter.com

klik di https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/

Teknik Menggambar

klik di http://www.teknikmenggambar.com/

quality is my life

klik di http://1stquality.blogspot.co.id/


klik di https://deming.org/

HomePage | The Deming Institute

klik di https://deming.org/


klik di https://trello.com/

Buffer - A Smarter Way to Share on Social Media

klik di https://buffer.com/

Pustaka SI

klik di http://situasionis-internasional.blogspot.co.id/


klik di http://negasi-negasi.blogspot.co.id/


klik di http://pramukaria.blogspot.co.id/

Wake Up! Zine – Zine Kontra Thagut

klik di http://wakeupzine.ga/

Noor H. Dee

klik di http://noorhdee.tumblr.com/


klik di http://djamandoeloe.com/


klik https://studentpreneur.co/

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Infogrades : Grade and Discuss Infographics

klik di http://www.infogrades.com/

Resume Blogs

klik di www.topresume.com
klik di http://www.questcareer.com/tips.htm
klik di http://www.questcareer.com/
klik di http://www.resume-resource.com/
klik di http://resume-help.org/


Here is an interesting technique that one can work with to develop a more photographic memory. Tools such as this can offer pathways to better understanding your own consciousness of for developing deeper levels of awareness and mindfulness.
Everyone wants to remember everything all the time, reach into the sciences behind it all.

Things You’ll Need

  • A dark room.
  • A bright lamp.
  • A sheet of paper with a rectangular hole cut the size of a paragraph for the text you want to “photograph”.


  1. This system will take 1 month for you to develop, you must take 15 minutes every day and dedicate it to this training. For the first month, your eyes will take about 5 minutes time to adjust to daylight reading.
  2. Find a dark room in your house, free of distractions for 15 minutes. I use the bathroom. The room must have a bright lamp or ceiling lamp.
  3. Sit down next to the light switch with your book and paper that has a rectangular hole cut out of it the size of a paragraph.
  4. Cover the page, exposing only one paragraph and hold the book out in front of you. Close your eyes and open, adjust distance so that your eyes focus instantly with ease on the writing.
  5. Turn off light. You will see an after glow as your eyes adjust to the dark. Flip light on for a split second and then off again.
  6. You will have a visual imprint in your eyes of the material that was in front of you. When this imprint fades, flip the light on again for a split second, again staring at the material.
  7. Repeat this process until you can recall every word in the paragraph in order. You will be able to actually see the paragraph and read it from the imprint in your mind.

Tips & Warnings

  • Do not get discouraged, it will work. It has been working for the military for 70 years.
  • You will be developing this technique to a point where you will be able to execute this during the day, all day.
  • Rate this article with the stars by my screen name.
  • Omitting even one day, can prolong training by as much as a week.


klk di https://medium.com/

Belajar Bahasa Chine Online Gratis

klik di http://www.clearchinese.com/

klik di http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/chinese/

klik di http://www.chinese-tools.com/

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klik di http://www.freeworksheets.com/

AO Curriculum AmblesideOnline.org

klik di https://www.amblesideonline.org/curriculum.shtml

HSLDA | Homeschooling Thru High School : Curriculum

klik di http://www.hslda.org/highschool/curriculum.asp

Free Website Builder | Create a Free Website

klik di http://www.wix.com/

Presentation Software | Online Presentation Tools | Prezi

klik di https://prezi.com/

The OmniWing Paper Airplane paper airplanes construction and competition

klik di http://omniwing.com/